During a visit to Gurvansaikhan school in 2019, we discovered a room with paintings, wood
carvings and other beautiful works. The teacher told us that this is the product of the
"technology class". We were impressed by the variety of interests and exceptional artistic skills
of the children.
With the motivation to promote this artistic talent, we decided to make a donation. The school accepted with enthusiasm and the teacher elaborated a plan with professional expertise. Material was bought from Ulaan Batar and a program was set up for additional afternoon lessons.
A few months later, the class produced a video showing a multitude of paintings, carvings and cutouts, and the classroom pictures reveal the inspiration and dedication of the children on this creative work. Beyond the pure technical skills, the works express a strong sense of beauty and a close connection to nature.
With the intention to continue this artistic inspiration for children in Mongolia, the THIM project was founded: Technology class for Happiness In Mongolia
Our mission is to give children an opportunity to express their sense of beauty and their close connection to nature through arts.
The students plan to organize an exhibition to raise funds for a prolongation of the project. The foundation wants to support this initiative. We are searching for people who want to support the artistic development of these very gifted and motivated children. Please contact us via info@demnel.org .
JP T. and Bettina v.F.